財團法人宜蘭縣私立神愛兒童之家 The Home of God's Love 地址:宜蘭縣冬山鄉269得安村大埤二路189巷36號
郵政劃撥:01034723 行政辦公室:(03)9514652 社工專線:(03)9614905 傳真號碼:(03)9510191 史可堯、史培理夫婦1966年(民國55年)從一位在台灣宣教回國述職的宣教士朋友口中聽到台灣,得知當時台灣的情況,禱告尋求上帝的旨意後;全家於1968年(民國57年)12月28日搭船前往台灣,並於1969年(民國58)1月14日首次踏上台灣這塊土地;在這之前他們不知道台灣在那裡。隨後1969至1972年史可堯、史培理夫婦在台北學習中文,同時也傳講 上帝的福音。 1971(民國60年)初,史可堯、史培理夫婦全家受一位楊姓友人邀請來宜蘭過農曆新年。這位楊先生很喜歡史可堯、史培理夫婦的三個孩子,便向史可堯、史培理夫婦表示希望他們全家能搬來羅東住;但因史可堯、史培理夫婦在台北的中文課程尚未結束,況且他們對宜蘭也不熟悉,不知道能在宜蘭做什麼樣的服務,因此史可堯、史培理夫婦當時並未答應,但他們仍將這事放在心上。在離開時宜蘭的時候,留了一本聖經給這位楊姓友人。 之後,史可堯夫婦請楊先生的大兒子寫信給當時的宜蘭縣政府,問宜蘭有什麼需要幫助,宜蘭縣政府回函表示宜蘭縣欠缺精神病院及孤兒院。史可堯對他妻子史培理說:「精神病院或許適合我們去住,但不適合我們去辦;所以我們可以考慮辦理孤兒院」。史牧師便將這事放在禱告中尋求上帝的旨意。 次年,這位楊姓友人再次邀請史可堯、史培理夫婦全家來宜蘭「過年」;來宜蘭之前史可堯夫婦向上帝禱告:「如這次前往宜蘭,楊先生再要求他們搬到宜蘭,並有提到要求教導聖經等話語(因去年史牧師留了一本聖經給楊先生),他們便全家搬往宜蘭。」。當史可堯到達羅東剛與楊先生見面,楊先生便表示去年所留下的聖經他看過七次,希望史可堯、史培理夫婦能搬來羅東傳福音,並教導他聖經;史可堯夫婦確定這是上帝的旨意。同時 上帝亦從聖經上啟示史可堯夫婦他們必須服務孤兒寡母;況且他們夫婦也很喜歡孩子,因此就決定在宜蘭成立一所兒童之家。 就在他們決定成要立兒童之家之時,當時剛卸任的縣長陳進東醫師及他的弟弟陳進富先生,表示願意捐一塊在冬山鄉梅花湖畔的土地給兒童之家使用。在同一年7月,史可堯夫婦全家返回美國述職並募款,此次返美距上次來台的時間已過了三年半,這時他們已經有五個孩子了。 1973年(民國62年)7月史牧師全家再次踏上台灣這塊土地,並募得一萬餘元美金。同年9月底史可堯夫婦全家從台北搬到羅東,並正式成立神愛兒童之家,隨即也展開兒童之家的建築規劃與工程。1974年12月史牧師全家搬進位於冬山鄉梅花湖畔神愛兒童之家現址、並申請立案。1975年(民國64年)6月神愛兒童之家收容了第一個孩子,至12月31日宜蘭縣政府發下立案證書時兒童之家收已容了18位孩子。 這些年來史可堯、史培理夫婦在這裡幫助了700多個兒童,這其中包括:父母親雙亡的孤兒、遭父母惡意遺棄的兒童或殘障兒童、被虐待或受疏忽兒童、及家庭遭變故的失依兒童;史可堯、史培理夫婦近33年來的服侍含蓋了台灣全區,不只是幫助了孩子同時亦間接的幫助了孩子的家庭;而且他們不對任何需要幫助的人收取任何的費用,同時也沒有向政府申請補助。期盼政府的資源可以用在更多需要的人們身上。上帝祝福了兒童之家,把豐盛賜給這個地方,因著國內外的個人與團體持續不斷的愛心支持之下,使神愛兒童之家從過去到如今都不致於缺乏。 史可堯、史培理夫婦將神愛兒童之家視為他們終生對上帝的事奉與服侍;他們愛這塊土地,也愛這塊土地上的人們;史可堯引用聖經上的話說:「我們愛,因為上帝先愛我們。」(約翰一書4:19)。「我的父母離棄我、耶和華必收留我」聖經、詩篇—第二十七篇、第十節。
Ilan County Private Foundation God's Love House The Home of God's Love Address:YiLan County, Dongshan Township, 269 De-Village No. 36, Lane 189, Dapi Èr
Postal transfer: 01,034,723 Executive Office: (03) 9514652 social worker hotline: (03) 9614905 Fax: (03) 9510191 Skiles, history, culture management couple in 1966 (Republic of China 55 years) from a missionary work in Taiwan return trip of missionary friends hear Taiwan, that was the situation in Taiwan, after the prayer to seek God's will; family in 1968 (Republic of China 57 years) December 28 to Taiwan by boat, and in 1969 (Republic 58) January 14 the first step on the land of Taiwan; in Taiwan before that they do not know where. Then from 1969 to 1972 Skiles, history, culture management couple to learn Chinese in Taipei, but also preaching the gospel of God. 1971 (Republic of China 60 years) early Skiles, family history of training and management couples invited by a friend the surname Yang Lan over the Lunar New Year. The Yang is like Skiles, history, culture management couple's three children, they would Skiles, history, culture management couple expressed the hope that their family can be moved Lotung live; but Skiles, history, culture management couples in Taipei, Chinese education has not yet ended, Moreover they Ilan did not know, do not know what to do in Ilan kind of service, so Skiles, his wife was no history of training and management agreed, but they will take this to heart. Ilan in the left when leaving a Bible to his friend the surname Yang. After Skiles couple please write to Mr. Yang's son was the Ilan County government, and asked what need Ilan, Ilan County, Ilan County Government sent a reply letter that the lack of mental hospitals and orphanages. Skiles on the History of Culture Affairs, said his wife: "Maybe for us to live in a mental hospital, but not for us to follow the above; so we can consider apply for the orphanage." Pastor we put something on the history of prayer to seek God's will. The following year, the surname Yang friends once again invited Skiles, family history of training and management couples to Ilan, "New Year"; to Ilan Skiles before the couple to the Lord: "If this going to Ilan, Ilan, Mr. Yang to ask them to move, and mentioned required to teach the Bible and other words (because the history of priests last year left a Bible for Yang), they will move to the family of Ilan. ". When Skiles arrived Luodong Gang and Yang meet Mr. Yang would mean that last year left the Bible he read seven times, hope Skiles, history, culture management couple to move into Romania East preach the gospel, and teach him the Bible; Skiles couple sure this is God's will . At the same time God is revelation from the Bible Skiles couple they must serve the widows and orphans; Moreover, the couple are very fond of children, so I decided to set up in Ilan, a children's home. In their decision as to establish children's homes when the county was just retired physician and his younger brother Chen Jindong Mr. Chen Jinfu, expressed a wish to donate a Township Plum Lake in the winter of land to the children's home use. In the same year in July, Skiles couple family trip back to the United States and raise money, the return to the United States to Taiwan from the last three and a half have passed and now they have five children. 1973 (62 years Republic of China) in July pastor family history of this land once again set foot in Taiwan, and which raised a thousand dollars American. In the same year by the end of September Skiles couple family moved from Taipei to Lo East, and the formal establishment of God's Love children's home, then also started building homes in the planning and engineering. In December 1974 the family moved into the pastor in the history of Dongshan Township Plum Lake God's Love House site, and get accreditation. 1975 (64 years Republic of China) 6 Luna Love children's home host their first child, to December 31 placed on file under the Ilan County government certificate issued children's home has received a capacity of 18 children. Years Skiles, history, culture management couple here to help more than 700 children, which include: parents, orphaned, by parents abandonment of children or disabled children, abuse or neglect of children, and families were tragedies of loss by children; Skiles, history, culture management couple nearly 33 years of ministry covers the Taiwan region, not only to help the child but also indirectly help the child's family; and they would not be people who need help receive any fees, but also failed to apply for grants. Looking forward to the Government's resources can be used in more people who need. God bless the children's home, to give this place a rich, because of individuals and groups at home and abroad continued love and support, to make God love children's homes are from the past to the present lack Buzhi Yu. Skiles, history, culture management couple love of God children's home as they serve for life and serve God; they love this land, we love this land of the people; Skiles quote the Bible saying: "We love because God first loved us. "(1 John 4:19). "My parents abandoned me, the LORD will take me," the Bible, Psalm - Second 17, sect.