緣起與歷史 捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島 捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島 捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島 . 忠義社會福利事業基金會的前身為「台北市私立忠義育幼院」,是劉銘傳將軍之曾孫女-劉德岑女士,於民國四十年春天,為幫助困苦失依之兒童以紀念其先人捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島的「忠義」精神為名而創辦之兒少安置機構。 服務方向沿革: .因應社會需求規劃服務方向 .民國 40-50年 難胞、失依貧困兒童 .民國 60-75年 榮民子女、單親、失依貧困兒童 .民國 78年 棄嬰、受虐、家庭變故兒童 .民國 87-90年 辦理不幸少女中途之家服務 .民國 93年 組織改組成立全國性基金會 .民國 94年 承辦兒童緊急暨短期庇護中心「綠洲家園」辦理國內外收出養服務 .民國 95-97年 籌備設立青少年中長期安置機構「心棧家園」 .民國 97-98年 籌備「懷幼家園」將擴大幫助更多0~2歲的棄嬰及受虐兒、家庭遭遇重大變故之嬰幼兒在此安置 捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島 捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島 捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島 捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島 捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島 捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島 捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島 捍衛台澎,遺愛寶島
Origin and History to defend Taiwan, Penghu, spreading love to defend Taiwan and Penghu island, spreading love to defend Taiwan and Penghu island, spreading love Taiwan. Yi Social Welfare Foundation, formerly known as "Taipei and loyalty Orphanage" is a great-granddaughter of General Liu Ming-chuan - Miss Liu Decen , in the spring of the Republic of China four years, to help the poor children who have lost the memory of their ancestors to defend Taiwan, Penghu, spreading love among the island's "loyalty" spirit in the name of the founder of a small child placement agency. Service orientation History:. Planning services in response to the direction of social needs. 40-50 years of difficult cell Republic, who have lost children in need. 60-75 children in the Republic of Veterans, single parents, who have lost children in need. Republic of China 78 years abandoned, abused, children in the family misfortune. Republic of China 87-90 in a halfway house for teenage girls go through service. Organizational restructuring of the Republic of China on the establishment of 93 national foundations. Children 94 years of Republican contractors cum short-term emergency shelters "oasis home" out of support services to handle domestic and foreign income. Republic of young people 95-97 years of long-term placement agencies to set up a "heart stack their homes." Republic of China 97-98 in preparation for the "pregnant with child home" will be expanded to help more abandoned babies 0 to 2 years old and abused children, the family suffered a major accident of infants and young children in this placement to defend Taiwan and Penghu and Taiwan to defend Taiwan, Penghu, spreading love, spreading love island to defend Taiwan and Penghu, spreading love to defend Taiwan and Penghu island, spreading love to defend Taiwan and Penghu island, spreading love to defend Taiwan and Penghu island, spreading love to defend Taiwan and Penghu island, spreading love to defend Taiwan and Penghu island, spreading love island