TEL:(03)951-5532, FAX:(03)951-5520 郵撥帳號:: 1614925 户名: 幸夫基金會 「幸夫愛兒園」是佛教幸夫基金會 所附設的育幼機構,創辦人達觀 法師自二十歲出家即因熟讀普賢 菩薩行願品,而慨然發願要為佛 教、為眾生盡一己之力。她的悲 願讓一群失去依靠的孩子,在這 個如來之家得到妥善的照顧 民國六十五年起,師父秉著為 佛教做事及接引眾生的熱誠和 信念,希望讓小朋友自幼即能 親近佛法僧三寶,先後在大園 和羅東創立了「菩提托兒所」, 期以佛法的理念培植幼苗,用 三寶的慈光攝受熏陶這些小小 的心靈。 由於接觸到許多不幸的個案, 師父便開始利用托兒所的設備, 收容家遭變故及貧窮無依的童。 師父的慈悲心廣為人知,後來 師父共住的孩童便日益增加, 也因此場地日益狹小。 七十七年底,師父得麥石來先生 伉儷」之協助,於宜蘭縣 冬山鄉 柯林村購地,開始興建愛兒園, 並連同好友多人及各界善心人士 共同參與善舉。 七十九年底初期建設完成, 並開始接受縣政府委託安置 個案。八十二年起,收容人 數激增至四十多人 八十五年申請內政部獎助擴建 計劃,第二年年底獲知獎助案 通過,隨即於八十七年六月正 式動工,而於八十九年十一月 十二日舉行落成典禮。
Park Address:YiLan County, Dongshan Township Colin Colin Road, Village No. 50, Lane 463,
TEL: (03) 951-5532, FAX: (03) 951-5520 email account dial:: 1614925 Name: Yukio Foundation "love child Yukio Park" is the Buddhist Foundation Yukio nursery attached to institutions, founder of philosophical Master Since the two-year-old monk that is a result of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva vows familiar products, and generously made ready for Buddhism, for all living beings to do their part. She's compassionate vows to rely on a group of lost children, in the Tathagata be properly taken care of home 60 years Republic of China, the Master Bingzhao work for Buddhism and creatures great enthusiasm and conviction, to let kids get close to Buddhism since childhood Sangha, has a large garden and the Law in the East created the "Bodhi nursery" to the Buddhist concept of cultivated plants, with the three treasures of Ciguang She influenced by these little minds. As the access to the many unfortunate cases, the Master started using nursery equipment, shelter house by accident, and no one to depend on child poverty. Master of compassion known, then the children will be living master of the increasing, and therefore increasingly narrow space. 77 at the end, Master Mak Mr. Shi Lai and his wife were "of assistance, in Ilan County, Dongshan Township Colin village to buy land, love of children began the construction of park, and together with friends over and all people of good will to participate in charity. 79 by the end of the initial construction was completed and began to accept the county commission placement cases. 80 years, the intake increased to 40 years more than 80 scholarships for Interior expansion plans, the end of the second case, informed by scholarship, then on Bashiqinian commence in June, while in eight 19 years, inaugurated on November 12.